4 Benefits Of Business Security Systems Other Than Robbery Prevention

1 August 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Television commercials and Internet advertisements often rave about how security systems help prevent burglars from taking off with your goods, but business security systems have numerous other benefits. Video cameras and blaring alarms may deter criminals from breaking into your commercial property or robbing your employees during business hours, but they also let you keep an eye on your staff and vendors. Whether you're a retail store or a family-owned restaurant, here are some ways that a business security system might benefit your company. Read More 

Tips For Protecting Your Identity While On Vacation

15 July 2016
 Categories: , Articles

According to the Insurance Information Institute, approximately 13.1 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2015. You've taken several steps to keep your personal information safe, including constantly changing your online passwords and checking your credit report for fraudulent activity. However, there is another instance when you are particularly vulnerable to identity theft, and it is often at a time when your guard is down: while you're on vacation. Don't allow your vacation to be ruined by unscrupulous thieves, and, instead, here are a few simple ways to keep your identity safe while you're on vacation: Read More 

5 Interesting Places For Security Guards To Work

23 September 2014
 Categories: , Articles

When you hear the words "security guard," a mall security guard is likely the first thing that comes to mind. However, there are several other locations where security guard services are required that can make the job more interesting. Here are five job sites to look out for if you are in training to become a security guard. Museums A job as a night watchman at a museum can be fascinating if you have even a passing interest in history, art, or science. Read More